Entrepreneurial Services
Our team has significant experience in coming alongside entrepreneurs. We know the unique motivations and ways of thinking that entrepreneurs bring to the table, and we can help move business or non profit to the next level. Our unique focus is on helping business, mission and church work in tandem in order to fund mission expansion.

Richwood Creations, One project that has been an ongoing legacy of SMP is the mission work that we have done in and around the City of Richwood West Virginia. From the vision of the Family Center to starting a Young Life ministry to building a business to fund it all, SMP’s involvement has help to change many young lives in this small town forever. SMP created everything for this model, from strategy to design to implementation. Today, Richwood Creations products are sold worldwide and in great retailer such as Nordstrom.

As a part of identifying opportunities for charities, SMP is reviewing potential businesses with other entities that are looking for the opportunity to work in and bless missions with their businesses. Such a business is Richwood Foundries located in Huntington, WV - who through SMP is exploring opportunities to create product that we can retail to benefit Young Life in West Virginia.